Monday, December 28, 2009
Nasty Rumors!
She replied with " Don't worry about boys and not being married. You can get married clear up to thirty-five!"
I promptly replied " Well, you know aunt Jackie I heard a nasty rumor that people can even get married after thirty five!"
She looked at me like I was crazy. I just laughed!
I hope you are all doing well! I know I haven't written for a while. This is my recent update for all of you! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Love you all!
Friday, November 13, 2009
What on Earth is going on?!
So, I am not computer illiterate. I am really quite good. But I can no longer find where to change my blog spot background. Or how to add people to my list! WHAT IS GOING ON! If you have any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated! I am so lost!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The "Im thankful for" game.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Crazy, crazy, crazy!
This past week I had the marvelous opportunity to have two amazing adventures! I hiked White pine lake and Mt. Naomi! They were both marvelous! I wanted to share my joy of them with you so I have posted pictures! GO TEAM!
Ahhh...the lake! It was awesome and the local beaver put on a show for us by splashing his tail! IT was so cool! Another self timer picture. I am getting good at this game!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I LOVE the D.I.!
But alas! Everything all works out in the end. My most amazing Mother came up for a visit to the good ol' L-Town the other day. (my Mom really is the most amazing person on the face of the planet! I have learned so much from her! Even If we are so much alike but different enough we get on each others nerves sometimes!) And she brought up the green and blue Stripped chair that Matt bought a very very long time ago from the DI. So of course she had the truck...So what else were we going to do but go and look for some furniture at my favorite store! THE DI! Oh happy day!
I walked in and it was love at first sight! I looked and I could feel my heart rushing, I didn't know how I was going to live the rest of my life without Him in it! I was so awestruck! It was like a magnet was pulling me towards him! He looked so good and amazing! I could just tell he was going to be the one for me...And then I looked across the way and I saw that they were a matching set! I was beside myself! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME! I had found the perfect couch and a chair to go with it! The are butter yellow and so awesome! They look like they were sitting in some little old ladies house and she had them covered in plastic and so they look brand new!
And this is the ensemble! 70 Bucks for both! I am so happy and excited and they make our apartment look so cheery and nice! Thanks to my AMAZING Mother again she made the rug and pillows possible! GO TEAM!
For those of you who know me you know this is not the first DI furniture venture! I love that place! They always have sweet little pieces of gold hiding in there. Or just out in plain sight! I hope you are all doing well! I hope your last week was amazing! Don't forget who you are, it is so easy to do sometimes! And don't forget that you are loved and if you happen to lose your way there is someone always there who is willing to carry you through the rough times! You are never alone!
I love you all! Have the worlds most amazing week! School is about to start up again so enjoy the rest of the summer while you can!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
First let us have a little recap of the summer...we have done more amazing activities that must be shared with the world!
I went and watched a movie in a scouting Cabin out in was very fun, until the battery on the computer died and we didn't get to finish our movie. Meh, its okay cause in front of the cabin they had a Sinclair dinosaur which I rode!
I went boating for the first time on Hyrum Dam (not boating for the first time) I have been overly spoiled with Uncle Gems boat cause it has a jet engine, so no prop for us! I was a little nervous to go out on someone else's boat. As it turns out they have a jet boat too!
We went to the Stone Idaho Rodeo! Which was the highlight of the past week. had rained before the rodeo started and so the arena was like a mud pond. After everything was said and done, we got rides on a saddle blanket in the mud and then got in the worlds biggest mud fight! Life is great!
Okay so now for more serious.
I have been evaluating life recently and looking at all the paths that people I know have taken. People who, in high school I was a little jealous of. And I look at everything and despite all of my trials and struggles...I am so blessed that my life is the way it is! All of my amazing friends and family have made this possible for me. I can see how easy it is to fall off the beaten path, and I am so glad that I have held to the rod through rough times!
I love you all! Have a great week!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ummm...the rules.
Rule Numero Uno- If you are ugly you should never be mean to people because you have nothing else to fall back on. I don't mean this is a mean way at all! I think I mostly said it because he hurt my feelings. I don't think very many people don't like me. It was a defense mechanism. It was also kinda ironc cause no one should be mean ever and here I was saying one of the rudest things I have ever said in my life!
Now you should know that this is not justifying mean people on any level. I think that all people should be nice, it the rule above all, but this is just a good rule for everyone. I know mean.
Rule Numero Dose-(Is that how you speel two in spanish? I don't know why I am doing it in spanish, I just am!) If you are socially awkward in anyway you should never ever try to be funny, because for the most part it will back fire on you and then people will think you are just mean! ( I don't know if this is what this kid was doing so we figured we should cover our bases and establish this rule.)
Rule Numero Tres- So I was eating a baked potato at the linger longer and it was so amazing! I like to mash all of my stuff up so it mixes together and is pure amazingness! This is how rule number three came about. A member of the Bishopric came up behind me to ask me if i had been set apart for my calling as i was mashing away. It kinda startled me! I then felt really dumb and really small, like i was five! (for those of you who know me you will know that this is no surprise!) I was telling this to my friend Kellen and he says "Well it's okay if you do it cause is like oh hey look at how cute she is! But if you are a guy like me they go 'oh my gosh that is so disgusting what is that guy doing to his food?' So even though I want to do it i can't because i am a guy." SO...the rule is if you are a cute girl you can do almost anything you want to with your food because you can pull it off as cute. If you are a guy you have so such luck!
SO...if you were there for the rules on Sunday just take a moment and go over them again and have a nice laugh about them.
Second thing to say today...sometimes I look at things in life and how it all plays out and I ask myself, "How did THAT Happen?!" Life has a tricky way of throwing curve balls at you and all the sudden everything is upside down and all backward! President Hinckley has the formula for getting through it all!
"It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don’t worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, It will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. THE LORD WILL NOT FORSAKE US. HE WILL NOT FORSAKE US…If we will put our trust in him, if we will pray to him, if we will live worthy of his blessings, he will hear our prayers."
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Thank heavens I know this is true or im not sure i would be able to make it through life!
Oh boy...have an amazing week everyone!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How Much wood would a wood chuck chuck...?
We are never at a loss of people to hang out with. If one group can't do something the other group can! We are having the time of our lives and we are dragging people along with us. We both figure that if we are only this age once, we will only be unmarried and childless for so long we might as well party it up while we can!
So some of the most amazing activities in which we have participated in (Most of these we did together but some not.)
1- Boating/ Wake boarding down at Lake Powell! AMAZING!
2- Floating the Logan Canyon Canal at midnight! The stars were amazing! The giant spider I found on my leg was not. And like ten seconds into the float the raft Britt and I were sharing popped so we had to hop onto others tubes! It was pretty funny!
3- All three of us ( Britt, Becca, our other roommate, and I) Went on a triple date the other day with these really fun guys and they took us to go and see the movie Up. Which is good but made me kinda sad at the beginning. Anyway, we got into the theatre and it was only us in there, on of the boys brought up a good point of the fact that we rented out the theatre for 45 dollars. So we decided to play a game. Every time the words Paradise Falls was said in the movie we had to move around and find new seats. It was the best date movie I have ever been to! And we could talk as loudly as we wanted cause who was going to tell us to be quiet?
4-Hiking the wind caves. I liked this because I found out a very important lesson, it usually isn't the destination but the journey.
5- All of our dinners and pic-nics up the canyon! So so much fun!
6-Our friend Burd has a canoe, so we all took a trip down the Logan city canal. We went from 1000 N to 1400 N and then back up again. We discovered that trees aren't our friends and that we need to practice. Burd said he would help.
7-Bouldering out at the Hannah property. Ben and I went and it was so much fun. It was almost like the old days between us. I don't think it will be a memory I will ever forget. It was like I had my best friend back for two hours.
8-Dave Knightons cabin in bear lake. This is where we spent our fourth of July. It was so much fun! We made new friends and we taught them how to play ninja destruction. And we borrowed our friend Teancums car, which is an old blue station wagon with the fold down seats in the back, and six girls piled into it and headed on up to the cabin. I don't know what was more fun the cabin or the ride home!
9- Okay so this is going to sound silly but we have made a new friend who has really made this summer so much fun! Her name is Sasha and she is amazing! And even though she is not an activity she has made all of our activites fun!
So there you have it folks! Our summer thus far has been amazing! YAY US! :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Although I must say that I do wish there wasn't a fly in my room.
My life is very much like a soap opera!
So he leaves and I think to myself : "Wow he was really really great! If I let him go without giving him my number I will regret it!" So I grab my heart sticky notes out of my purse and write my name and number on one and I run out the door into the apartment hallway, I look one way and he isn't there and I think "Crap! I am going to have to chase him down the stairway!"
I then look the other direction and there he is looking at me!
SO, I run to him and I say " I know this is super weird, especially since it is on a heart sticky note, But I wanted to give you my number! " and he looks at me and smiles and says okay. So he puts it in his phone and puts the sticky note on his chest. We talk and chat for a bit longer and he goes to leave and he gives me a huge hug and says "WOW! Your hair smells so so good!" Which is always nice to hear! So I kinda giggle and he ask what do you use and I say oh Lacoste assuming he means perfume, he meant shampoo and conditioner. So he goes to leave and I say "Drive safe!" and he looks back at me and says "What if I die on the way home this could be the last time you ever see me!" And I say " Don't die! Just be safe." And so he leaves
So today I was talking with our mutual friend Cory and I ask " Do you think I made an idiot of myself?" and He says "No I don't think so but I can ask him if you want me to." I say "The high school part of me wants you to but the grown up part of me doesn't want you to! "
Cory "I'm going to ask him."
Helen "Okay but let him know that it was not my idea!"
Cory "Just trust me on this!"
Helen "Im kinda nervous."
Cory (This is the real kicker, the part that makes it a soap opera!) "Yeah maybe you should just leave it cause he is going back out on his mission in a couple of months anyway!"
SAY WHAT! Oh my goodness! Cory then explained what he could to me.
He came home early off his mission for medical reasons but he is going back out again. But Cory doesn't know for how long!
I feel so dumb! Oh man! He was so flirty though! Oh boy...
The life of Helen such as it is!
So now I want to know what you think...would it be weird if I wrote this guy on his mission?
I can't stop laughing and I don't know why! I think this is so funny! What are the chances!?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Now the next task is to get a job. Because even though I won't be needing to pay for school in the fall I do need to pay for housing. Man can't I live in a cardboard box and still be considered an upstanding member of society? JUST KIDDING!
But there is more good news to this post! I already have been offered another position with the teacher I currently work with. This does mean that I will no longer be working at cedar ridge, but I will be getting more hours (still the same great pay though! YAY!)
It always seems that whenever I can't go on anymore and whenever it gets to hard to continue, if I keep exercising my faith in the Lord everything works out!
What a huge blessing this is to me and a huge boost to continue to be faithful!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The life for me! DREAM BIG!
One thing we didn't expect was the breath taking beauty that was in store for us! OH GOODNESS! The table was at a ranch off of country road 157. We turned down the road and it promptly turned into a dirt dug way! The scene out our windows was amazing, we had a entered into a little ranch valley. In translation we had entered heaven!
When we arrived at the Sexton Ranch four miles down the road we were overwhelmed with the beauty of everything, and there in the middle of the yard was the table. (Which Ben promptly bought!)
I couldn't help but feel great delight at the ranch and the seclusion. And of course, like I have said previously, the beauty was enough to make a persons heart sing with joy!
So my dear friends, you ask "What, Helen, is the life for you?"
I have been thinking about this for quite some time now, I have always wanted to grow up become a cowgirl and own some property of my own. In the past year and a half I have let this dream rekindle! I really started to throw my upcoming idea around while coming home from a recent trip to Lake Powell. The drive down to Powell is almost as amazing as Powell itself...maybe! But there are some beautiful little ranches right up next to the road during that drive.
I have always thought that I would need to marry a man who had this same dream as me. But I have come to the conclusion that this is my dream and I want to make it happen! So I am going to graduate with my degree (which will consist of a degree in Special Ed and FCHD and a minor in Ag science.) Move to a small town and hopefully get a job at a local school and buy up some land. Not much just thirty acres or a little bit more and have my own little ranch.
I know to most of you are now thinking "Oh goodness Helen has really fallen of her rocker now!"
But I assure you that I know what I am getting myself into and I know it will be hard. But I have tasted a life where my dreams would not have been possible to come true. This is what I want. This is what I have always wanted. So this is what I am going to get!
Life is meant to be joyful! DREAM BIG!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
It was never in the plans for me to not have an interesting life. Oh boy! It's like after you turn 21 your fun level starts to go down hill.
OH! I know what I will complain about!
So financial aid is ridiculous! REALLY! who are they to tell me that I am not independent from my parents! For heaven's sake alive! I haven't been claimed by them since I was seventeen! I don't know what more they want from me! I am really at my wits with these people! There seems to be no way to charm my way with them! I am going to have to do major research and find out stuff! SAY WHAT! I know I am actually going to have to figure this out. There is no way I can continue going to school with out help...oh what to do what to do.
My current POA (Plan of action) is to call other institution in the state and find out their policy on independent status. I am also going to call the federal regulator...sigh.
So the whole point of this story is that the government says that they will help you and then they just jerk your chain.
Is this the beginning of my life with the government! IS THERE MORE TO COME?
Oh boy, if this POA dosn't work my next one is to continue to pray really really hard and have faith! At least then I know the out come will be what needs to be..
Until next time...
Monday, April 13, 2009
oh goodness sunshine!
So I haven't done a post in a really long time...we will do a quick synopsis of what my life has consisted of recently.
1-I have worn my Chaco's to school almost every day this month! It has been so amazing!
2-Started to date someone.
3-Broke up with someone
4-Realized that being single is amazing!
5-Reestablished my love of cheese, Feta cheese on a spinach salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing is so amazing! If you put olives and crasins and almonds in it you will be in heaven! I promise!
6-Do I have a sign on my head that says "PLEASE,PLEASE ASK ME OUT?!" Because I have been asked out more in the past two months than I have in my whole life...I must have a sign and I missed it.
7- Wickedness never was happiness...I have see a display of this in my life, through the examples of others, and I know for 100% that it is true! Oh thank heavens for the gospel!
8- As it turns out...walls do just jump out to get you!
9-KALAI! Oh man! he is so amazing! i love him to death! How have I lived in a world of music without him? Go and check him out if you haven't ever heard of him!
10- I am so ready for this semester to be over! Why is it that spring semester seems like it is so much longer than fall?! UGH!
All is well that ends well.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ummmm...I got nuthin'
1) Roommate pictures on campus...I find this so lame. What bugs me even more is that it is always the girls who are like the cheerleader types. How is it that they all end up meeting each other and then living together? It must be a disease! Ugh!
2)Facebook is taking over the world! Everyone is always on it! Including me! It can't seem to break the habit! I think it is of the Devil! Help me! I know that Facebook is a Disease, and I have it!
3)What is up with the couples in the Junniper lounge! oh my gosh! I know they are taking over the world! I go in there to take a nap and all of the couches are being Monopolized by couples! And they are all over each other! Oh man!
4) It must be murphy's law that I am always first Loser! Ha! Just kidding, but really every time there is always someone else who is just a little bit better than me in ever aspect who know what I am talking about if you talk to me on a regular basis.
There shall be more to come, I have to jet off to class! AHHHHHH! (That is me jetting away!)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The world has gone MAD!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Im not a prince!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ahhh...those good old days of Feeting?
So back to feet, I have never in all of my years (the whole 21 of them) heard Someone say "I think that feet are the most attractive part of the human body. Nope not once. It is just not something that people say.
Feet are very functional, I love my feet...they are a great source of balance. I hear that if you lose a toe you have to learn how to walk again. I don't know if that is true I don't know. I have had the fortune of never losing a toe.
So...Feet are not attractive, if you like feet would you please inform me so I can add you to my list of people with unique characteristics. This won't count against you FYI.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
YAY! My Top Ten!
2-Getting See's chocolates with the girls. Oh goodness I LOVE chocolate, and See's are the best. Although I Must say that the little old lady's who helped us were not very nice.
3- I got to spend all of Christmas day with MY family! It was great! I haven't done that in two years!
4-I totally stomped on Cody in Monopoly! This was a sweet victory! If only you could have been there and seen the kind of attitude he was giving us. He had hotels everywhere! And we all kept landing on them. (Stupid dice!) But do not fret my friends...due to some...Circumstances I WON! YAY! I love winning! :)
5- We found out why Mom's toaster is so amazing! It has a whooping 1325 watts of power! Holy, I think we have found a new standard folks. I guess we can stop buying her a new on every year for Christmas... none of them could ever match up to the extreme amount of POWER that 32 year old toaster has. That's right! the toaster is 32 years old! My parents got it for their wedding. Who knew a toaster could last so long. And who knew that for safety reason they have stopped making them with such high wattage?
6-The crazy snow! I know that there is a ton of it all around us! But it was beautiful and amazing! I loved it! I wish that I would have made a snowman and had a snowball fight down in Salt Lake...I guess I will have to settle for those things in Logan...oOoooOooOO! And maybe a snow fort! YES! I shall do it!
7-Remembering why Christina and I are best friends FOREVER! (Imagine this said in a ridiculous valley girl will make it better!) I love Christina and I am so grateful for the blessing she is in my life. It is good to know that we are always there for each other! What a huge blessing great friends are!
8-Watching batman with my Niece and Nephews, I love Batman and I love them, so what is not to like here? HOLY BUCKETS BATMAN! (As said by Robin, Batman's every to trusty side kick.)
9- Having time to read a book! I have not read a book for leisure since the fourth Twilight book came out (which, by the way, was a very dumb book and I wish that I hadn't wasted my time on it...the climax fell short. The main character, Bella, was unentertaining and written weakly. Plus...she got it all...I was hoping that she would have to chose between some stuff...but no! She got it all! How lame!)
10- The opportunity I had to spend time with my parents...It was just me and them for a long time. And now it is back to that again and it was nice. I really really enjoyed it. I am so blessed to have the Parents that I have. I am my Mother in so many ways it is scary, but I am also my Dad it alot of ways too. I am the ultimate convergence of both of them, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Top ten for the Holiday season! In no particular order.