Monday, June 15, 2009


Have you ever noticed how much wind a flies wings give off? One just flew past my head and I was kinda impressed!

Although I must say that I do wish there wasn't a fly in my room.

My life is very much like a soap opera!

So I met someone on Saturday night. He was nice and funny! Not to mention very very cute! SO the whole night we were super flirty and at the end of the night I thought for sure he was going to ask me for my number. Nothing, just sort of an awkward goodbye on both of our ends.

So he leaves and I think to myself : "Wow he was really really great! If I let him go without giving him my number I will regret it!" So I grab my heart sticky notes out of my purse and write my name and number on one and I run out the door into the apartment hallway, I look one way and he isn't there and I think "Crap! I am going to have to chase him down the stairway!"
I then look the other direction and there he is looking at me!

SO, I run to him and I say " I know this is super weird, especially since it is on a heart sticky note, But I wanted to give you my number! " and he looks at me and smiles and says okay. So he puts it in his phone and puts the sticky note on his chest. We talk and chat for a bit longer and he goes to leave and he gives me a huge hug and says "WOW! Your hair smells so so good!" Which is always nice to hear! So I kinda giggle and he ask what do you use and I say oh Lacoste assuming he means perfume, he meant shampoo and conditioner. So he goes to leave and I say "Drive safe!" and he looks back at me and says "What if I die on the way home this could be the last time you ever see me!" And I say " Don't die! Just be safe." And so he leaves

So today I was talking with our mutual friend Cory and I ask " Do you think I made an idiot of myself?" and He says "No I don't think so but I can ask him if you want me to." I say "The high school part of me wants you to but the grown up part of me doesn't want you to! "
Cory "I'm going to ask him."
Helen "Okay but let him know that it was not my idea!"
Cory "Just trust me on this!"
Helen "Im kinda nervous."
Cory (This is the real kicker, the part that makes it a soap opera!) "Yeah maybe you should just leave it cause he is going back out on his mission in a couple of months anyway!"

SAY WHAT! Oh my goodness! Cory then explained what he could to me.
He came home early off his mission for medical reasons but he is going back out again. But Cory doesn't know for how long!

I feel so dumb! Oh man! He was so flirty though! Oh boy...

The life of Helen such as it is!

So now I want to know what you think...would it be weird if I wrote this guy on his mission?

I can't stop laughing and I don't know why! I think this is so funny! What are the chances!?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


My appeal for independent status was approved! Not only that it was approved for the 2009-2010 school year, it was also approved for retroactive for the 2008-2009 school year! Can I tell you how happy I am about this! It makes my life so much better! I Feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Now the next task is to get a job. Because even though I won't be needing to pay for school in the fall I do need to pay for housing. Man can't I live in a cardboard box and still be considered an upstanding member of society? JUST KIDDING!

But there is more good news to this post! I already have been offered another position with the teacher I currently work with. This does mean that I will no longer be working at cedar ridge, but I will be getting more hours (still the same great pay though! YAY!)

It always seems that whenever I can't go on anymore and whenever it gets to hard to continue, if I keep exercising my faith in the Lord everything works out!
What a huge blessing this is to me and a huge boost to continue to be faithful!