Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Holy Buckets Helen! Movin' on to greener pastures

So I look back at the year and man! what a whirl wind! I am incredibly blessed, and I am looking forward to the excitement that the next year will bring! I hope everyone has looked back at the past year and noticed the good things out weigh the bad. I know they have for me! I am movin' "onward and upward." as President Spencer W. Kimball advised. I cannot stop and change the way things have gone so I might as well move on to greener pastures and learn from the past.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Just practice...

So...I recently found out that I was just practice.

I think that this statement mostly hurt my pride...Just practice....what is that even supposed to mean? . is back to being the same as it was before...which I way prefer right now.
That was random...I know. I just thought I would let you know how lame some people are!
How is it possible that some people have such a lack of tact and common sense at the same time? It's a good thing it was nothing serious.

Man! I have really really bad luck...I guess I will take it as a sign and move to a remote mountain pasture and become a hermit... (If you know me at all you would know that this would not ever be possible! You might as well cut of my oxygen supply! I cannot live without other people!)

E.E. Cummings said
"It takes Courage to grow up and become the person you are meant to be."

Oh goodness that is so is hard and growing up and reaching your full potential is hard, but it is great as well and you become the better person for it.

My other most recent favorite quote comes from Pres. Thomas S. Monson

"Learn from the past.
Prepare for the future
Live in the present!"

So true so can't change the past... you don't know the future and the only time you can make a difference in is RIGHT NOW!

Life is good. Even if I was just practice! :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Blue is NOT a Christmas color!

I don't care who you think you are! You need to stop putting blue lights on your house for Christmas! Are you aware of how ridiculous you look?!

I believe this whole heartedly, I always will. There is nothing you can do to change my mind. But, I was driving around Logan at the beginning of the season with my friend (who we so lovingly call Grandpa, I have asked him why I think a billion times by now and he just won't tell me. So I have stopped asking and I just accept it now.) Grandpa, I told him my opinion about blue Christmas lights, I shared with him the fact that blue and purple and orange are just not Christmas colors and therefore should never ever be used as such! EVER! At this point in time he so kindly pointed out at me that although blue is most defiantly not a Christmas color, It is a Hanukkah color. This my dear friends has eased my troubled mind about blue Christmas lights, seeing as how now I just call them Hanukkah lights.

But I will say that if you have purple and orange lights up, you should take them down NOW! Those two colors are Halloween colors, and seeing as how that holiday is not for almost another 10 months you should stop using the immediately! They just look tacky!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I don't know Why!

So my Mom calls me all of the time. And I love it! She is really one of my best friends. But lately she has been calling me and I answer and she says 'Oh shoot! I didn't mean to call you! I Meant to call Matt!" It is quite disgruntling. But what can ya do?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Darth Vadar Is...AWESOME!

So I was sitting in one of my english classes last week, wanting to die. (yes it really was that bad!) So my eyes were wandering amilessly around the room when I noticed on the desk infront of me someone had written, "Darth Vadar Is AWESOME!" and in little tiny letters someone had written between the is and awsome the word "Not" So it then read "Darth Vadar Is not AWESOME!"

I found this very amusing, it made the class bearable so I lived through it! YAY! Aparently I was not the only person to ever be bored in that room.

Although I want to know...Is he or isn't he awesome? The answer wasnt' written on the desk...hmmm, go figure.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This was yesterday's post. But I never got to post it because I was distracted by homework. GO FIGURE!

So in my family we have this superstition. If, on the first day of the month, you say RABBIT, RABBIT,RABBIT! You will have good luck for the rest of the month. This superstition started with my Grandpa Morris's family. I assume that we have all been doing it since the dawn of time, but the first time I personally remember doing it was in the second grade. I honestly don't think that I have missed a month since then.

Now, I would like to attribute my amazing and wonderful and blessed life to this. But that would be a lie. has been a horrible, rotten, no good, terrible day. (Have you read this book? If not I would highly recommend it!) Even though I said RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT before I rolled out of bed. So I was sitting here at a computer in the library...crying. which sounds so lame and stupid but really today has been really really bad! And it dawned on me that saying RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT at the beginning of the month is alot like the Gospel. (you can count on me to make a connection between the two!) I say RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT at the beginning of each month believing it will bring me good luck, I say it because it is something that has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.

The Gospel is very much the same way. I start everyday with a prayer, and end each day with a prayer. I go to the temple and Church each week. I have daily scripture study. I don't do these things because they will bring me luck. I do these things because I know from experience that they are what make life bearable...they have become a daily tradition for me, much like saying RABBIT, RABBIT, RABBIT has become a monthly tradition. I believe that they are what make my life great. As in matter in fact, I would have to say that I know these things are what have made my life amazing! I know that without the Gospel principles I would be in a canoe with out a paddle. I would like to quote President Monson "Enjoy the Journey!" There is nothing else to do in life but enjoy. Be happy and count your many blessings. Further more, try and make the journey enjoyable for those you know!

I don't know if this makes any sense, but hey, life is good!