Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This was yesterday's post. But I never got to post it because I was distracted by homework. GO FIGURE!

So in my family we have this superstition. If, on the first day of the month, you say RABBIT, RABBIT,RABBIT! You will have good luck for the rest of the month. This superstition started with my Grandpa Morris's family. I assume that we have all been doing it since the dawn of time, but the first time I personally remember doing it was in the second grade. I honestly don't think that I have missed a month since then.

Now, I would like to attribute my amazing and wonderful and blessed life to this. But that would be a lie. And...today has been a horrible, rotten, no good, terrible day. (Have you read this book? If not I would highly recommend it!) Even though I said RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT before I rolled out of bed. So I was sitting here at a computer in the library...crying. which sounds so lame and stupid but really today has been really really bad! And it dawned on me that saying RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT at the beginning of the month is alot like the Gospel. (you can count on me to make a connection between the two!) I say RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT at the beginning of each month believing it will bring me good luck, I say it because it is something that has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.

The Gospel is very much the same way. I start everyday with a prayer, and end each day with a prayer. I go to the temple and Church each week. I have daily scripture study. I don't do these things because they will bring me luck. I do these things because I know from experience that they are what make life bearable...they have become a daily tradition for me, much like saying RABBIT, RABBIT, RABBIT has become a monthly tradition. I believe that they are what make my life great. As in matter in fact, I would have to say that I know these things are what have made my life amazing! I know that without the Gospel principles I would be in a canoe with out a paddle. I would like to quote President Monson "Enjoy the Journey!" There is nothing else to do in life but enjoy. Be happy and count your many blessings. Further more, try and make the journey enjoyable for those you know!

I don't know if this makes any sense, but hey, life is good!

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